Transforming Lives, One Act of Compassion at a Time

Crafting Compassion, Changing Lives

Doing Our Best as a Non-Profit in Tampa

At Sheltering the Unsheltered, Incorporated, our commitment to serving the unsheltered population is unwavering. We operate on a simple yet profound principle: underpromise and overdeliver. This means when we encounter individuals in need, whether it's food or any other essential item, we make a promise to fulfill that need. If we don't have what was requested, we don't stop there, we go the extra mile to purchase the necessary items and deliver them to the indivuals who made the request. Our compassion drives us to ensure that we keep our word and meet the needs of those we serve.

The statistics speak volumes; Tampa and St. Petersburg face some of the highest rates of homelessness in the nation, as reported by the National Alliance to End Homelessness. In response, our mission is clear: we are dedicated to eliminating the harrowing plight of hunger and the unmet need for personal hygiene in downtown Tampa. We firmly believe access to these basic necessities is a fundamental right, and we are committed to upholding the dignity of every human being we encounter.

We strive to create a community where everyone has a place to call home. Housing, too, is an essential need that should be accessible to all. It not only provides shelter but also safety, security, and a sense of dignity. No one should have to endure the risks and perils of living on the streets or in an unsheltered environment. That's why we work tirelessly with partner organizations in Hillsborough County to find secure housing solutions for the unsheltered population in downtown Tampa.

Our ultimate desire is to raise awareness about Sheltering the Unsheltered, Inc. and the urgent need to eradicate homelessness. We invite you to join us in our mission to provide hope, support, and a lasting change for those experiencing homelessness by creating a more compassionate and inclusive society for all. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that no one is left without the essentials of life and the security of a home.

Contact Us

How Can We Help You?

We welcome your inquiries, feedback, and partnership opportunities. Feel free to reach out to us through the provided contact information. Whether you have questions about our services, want to volunteer, or explore collaboration possibilities, we're here to connect and work together towards a more compassionate and inclusive community. Your communication is a crucial step in building a brighter future for those we serve.

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